Be Kind for no Reason!

Anum Jamshed
4 min readJul 24, 2020

Kindness never goes wasted. Make a habit of doing kindness. I will relate kindness to our Beloved Last Prophet(S.A.W), how he(S.A.W) practiced it in his life. He(S.A.W) was so kind to each and everyone either friends or enemies. In his early days of preaching, a non-Muslim woman lived near a mosque. Whenever Muhammad (S.A.W) passed in front of her house, she would throw garbage on him, in hatred towards Muslims. Instead of reacting in anger, Muhammad(S.A.W) used to pass without saying a word. This continued for many days, but one day when our Prophet(S.A.W) noticed that today that lady was not there to throw garbage. He(S.A.W) knocked at her door, where he(S.A.W) found out that the lady was seriously ill and she was unable to do any work. He(S.A.W) then did her whole house chores and gave her a meal. She was moved after seeing this kindness and accepted Islam. See this is what kindness can do.
I will share some small acts of kindness, hope you will be encouraged.

Our parents have a very special place in our heart. Showing kindness towards them should be our foremost duty. So today, i decided to teach my father how to use twitter. He was very happy while I was telling him about it. This gives me an inner happiness which is priceless.

Then I saw a cat in our garden, she seemed to be hungry. I immediately took a bowl and poured milk for this cute cat. She started to drink milk promptly as if she was hungry for so long. I felt pleased by doing this act of kindness.

My sister was fasting today, my mother prepared some snacks for her. I was thinking about what special I could do to make her happy, then I prepared her favorite cold sweet lassi. When she saw the jar of lassi, she was happy to see that I took time out of my busy schedule to make lassi for her. I was touched.

Our Clinical teacher assigned us a project and he asked us to submit within a short period. I was quite frustrated and knew nothing about it. I asked for help from my fellows and they helped me out. It was so kind of them. At last, I was able to submit my work. Another day, one of my fellows asked me to help her with the project, I was quite busy with lots of stuff but I agreed to help her. Because I can understand what she might be going through. So I helped her through thick and thin to get her project done. We were successful to do. This act brings lots of satisfaction to me.

I heard monkey man was there in our street, I ran towards my father and asked him to stop the man. He went out and stopped him. I did this, not because I wanted to see the dance steps of the monkey but I was aware that due to this pandemic and lockdown, they will surely be suffering. My father gave them some money. Then I noticed that the monkey look pale. I gave him some food to eat and he was really happy to have it. Like in the picture he is showing his gratitude :-)

Be there for everyone, leave no stone unturned in showing kindness.

